Estimacion de la Mortalidad Materna en Guatemala Periodo 1996 - 1998

Year: 2000
Abstract:For this study, written in Spanish, a methodology proposed by MEASURE Evaluation was used to estimate maternal mortality in Guatemala for the years 1996 to 1998. The report's estimate is 184 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. Unadjusted official figures for the same period, range from 87 to 111 during this same period. These official statistics reflect the high level of underreporting of maternal deaths documented in previous studies. All the data sources analyzed for the preparation of this report confirm that maternal mortality levls have remained stable during the last decade. The estimation procedure described in this report, developed by MEASURE Evaluation at Macro International, was based on the application of a national adjustment factor to SIGSA and MSPAS's recent official figures. An English-language version of this report, Estimates of Maternal Mortality in Guatemala 1996 - 1998, is also available.