Ministry of Health, Tanzania: Guidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation During Mid-Term Plan II 2000-2002.

Year: 2000
Abstract:The National AIDS Control Program (NACP) in Tanzania uses Medium-Term Plans (MTP) to outline its program-implementation strategy every five years. This third and most recent plan includes the priority program areas for M&E; and covers the period from 1998 to 2002. The national M&E; plan presented in this document focuses on strengthening existing surveillance and M&E; in Tanzania. In outlining the main elements of a national M&E; strategy for MTP III, these guidelines build as much as possible upon existing M&E; efforts in Tanzania and expand these efforts in important ways. The overall M&E; objective of the MTP III M&E; and surveillance strategy is to monitor the implementation of AIDS prevention and control activites in Tanzania and assess the effect of these activities.