AIDS in Africa During the Nineties: Young People in Kenya

Year: 2003
Abstract:This summary report examines existing information about adolescent sex in Kenya during the 1990s. Overall, living conditions for adolescent Kenyans changed little during this decade, though access to the media rose, employment opportunities fell and populations become more mobile. In terms of sexual behavior, data clearly indicate that abstinence until marriage remains the exception rather than the rule for both sexes. The majority of young Kenyans of both sexes have sex before marriage and more than one premarital partner also appears to be the norm. The biggest change observed was in condom use. Condom use rose significantly among both men and women, though the risk was most striking among men. HIV prevalence among adults in Kenya was estimated at 5% in 1990, but by 1998 this number had jumped to 14%. However, this increased risk appears not to have found its way into young people's thinking.