AIDS in Africa During the Nineties Uganda: Young people, sex, and AIDS in Uganda

Author(s): The Uganda HIV/AIDS Partnership, Uganda Ministry of Health, Uganda AIDS Commission, MEASURE Evaluation Project
Year: 2004
Uganda has frequently been cited as a success story in HIV/AIDS prevention, because of large declines in HIV prevalence that occurred throughout the 1990s. This report attempts to better understand how, why, and to what extent these declines occurred among Ugandan adolescents. Understanding how changes in HIV/AIDS prevalence, as well as changes in HIV/AIDS-related knowledge and behavior occurred, will provide information on the current state of the epidemic in Uganda, and will assess the effectiveness of HIV-prevention programs used in Uganda during the 1990s. This report brings together previously disparate information sources of information about Ugandan adolescents knowledge of AIDS and sexual behavior, primarily the Ugandan demographic and health surveys conducted in 1998-1989, 1995, and 2000-2001.