AIDS in Africa During the Nineties: Tanzania Youth Report - A Review and Analysis of Surveys and Research Studies

Author(s): Bloom S, Ukwuani F, Finn T, Singh K
Year: 2004
This 83-page report analzyses five surveys that examined the knowledge and behaviors of youth ages 15 to 24 in Tanzania during the 1990s. Characteristics of Tanzanian youth are broken down into seven areas: demographic characteristics, HIV-related knowledge, age at first sex and premarital sex, sex with multiple partners, condom use, knowledge and behavior, and HIV-prevalence levels. Findings from the five surveys show the following results: During the 1990s, exposure to HIV/AIDS prevention media fell, particularly in rural areas. However, trends in marriage remained relatively constant. Contraceptive use increased, but remained at relatively low levels. AIDS awareness became very high among youth during the 1990s, but there remained a large gap between awareness and accurate prevention knowledge. Finally, condom use increased during the 1990s, particularly for young urban men.