AIDS in Africa During the Nineties Malawi: A review and analysis of surveys

Year: 2004
This 70-page report is one in a series of reports examining trends in AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in sub-Saharan Africa throughout the 1990s. During this period, most global efforts to prevent and control HIV infection focued on increasing knowledge and changing behaviors that put individuals at risk. Although Malawi has not experienced a decline in HIV prevalence, the prevalence appears to have leveled off toward the end of the decade; it is important to examine changes in corresponding knowledge and behaviors to identify which programs were the most effective and where challenges are still present. This report is broken up into seven chapters, which discuss, respectively: an introduction to HIV/AIDS in Malawi; the spread of HIV in Malawi; AIDS-related knowledge; sexual behavior; condom knowledge and use; the impact of the epidemic on mortality; and young adults and HIV/AIDS.