AIDS in Africa during the Nineties: Kenya. A review and analysis of survey and research results

Author(s): Kenya National AIDS Control Council, Ministry of Health, Kenya National AIDS/STD/TB/Leprosy Control Programme, MEASURE Evaluation, Population Services International
Year: 2004
This report presents data and information that document the changes in the epidemiology of HIV and in AIDS-related knowledge and behavior that occured in Kenya during the 1990s. This 79-page report merges HIV seroprevalence data taken from Kenya's Ministry of Health, with several cross-sectional, population-based national surveys conducted in Kenya between 1989 and 2000. Data and analysis in this report are broken up into six topics: the spread of HIV in Kenya, AIDS-related knowledge and attitudes, sexual behavior, knowledge and use of condoms, and the impact of the epidemic on mortality and orphans.