The Tumaini Home-Based Care Program

Author(s): Littrell M, Thurman TR, Chatterji M, Brown L
Year: 2007
Abstract:An estimated 12 million children aged 0-17 have lost one or both parents to AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa (UNICEF, 2006). Despite recognition of the magnitude and negative consequences of this problem, there is little evidence on what works to improve the well-being of children affected by HIV and AIDS. In an attempt to fill this knowledge gap, MEASURE Evaluation is conducting targeted evaluations of five programs for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in five unique settings two in Kenya and three in Tanzania. Case studies are the first activity of MEASURE Evaluations targeted evaluations and begin the process of information sharing on lessons learned in programming for orphans and vulnerable children. Additional evaluation activities include an impact assessment and costing activity for each of the five selected programs. This case study was conducted to impart a thorough understanding of the Tumaini Home-Based Care Program model and to document lessons learned that could be applied to other initiatives. While the Tumaini program addresses the needs of both people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHA) as well as OVC, the case study focuses particular attention on specific services and program impact for OVC. Case study information-gathering activities included program document review; program site visits, including discussions with sub-grantee staff, volunteers, beneficiaries, and community members; and observations of program activities. The primary audience for this case study includes OVC program implementers in Tanzania and elsewhere in Africa, as well as relevant policy makers and funding agencies addressing OVC needs.