Assessment of the Reach and Usefulness of the Compendium of Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluating National Tuberculosis Programs

Author(s): Lucy Wilson, Stephanie Mullen
Year: 2007
Abstract:The Compendium of Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluating National Tuberculosis Programs, was published in by a consortium of agencies led by the Stop TB Partnership of the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and MEASURE Evaluation, intended for use by tuberculosis control and other public health professionals. It provides monitoring and evaluation guidance for TB-related programs.
In 2006, an assessment of the compendium was conducted to determine whether the guide is reaching its intended audiences and is a useful tool for improving monitoring and evaluation skills. Main components of the assessment included a study of its reach, online surveys and telephone interviews with potential users, and an analysis of comparable publications.
This report provides the findings of the assessment, including three key recommendations. First, training opportunities should continue to be offered alongside the distribution of the compendium so that users can become familiar with how to use the guide. Second, a supplemental guide should be developed to capture broader areas of TB programming, such as pediatric TB, TB-related stigma, and behavior change communication. Finally, dissemination of the compendium in its various formats and languages should be expanded, aiming for all national TB programs to have access to a copy.