Contraceptive Discontinuation: A One-Year Follow-Up Study of Female Reversible Method Users in Urban Honduras

Author(s): Barden-O'Fallon J, Speizer I, Cáceres Zelaya S, Cálix Borjas J, Rodriguez Valenzuela F
Year: 2008
Abstract:This study examines women's contraceptive use prospectively over a one-year period in four urban areas of Honduras. It goes beyond previous research by assessing the relative importance of and interactions among the family planning service environment, women's individual characteristics, and their experience with side effects on contraception continuation or discontinuation. The findings from this study complement the Honduras Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud 2005-2006 (ENDESA), a cross-sectional survey sample of women aged 15-49 that includes retrospective and current measures of contraceptive use. The present study followed a panel of women recruited from family planning service sites who, at the time of the first interview, were either continuing or new users of a temporary (reversible) contraceptive method. The majority of women who switched methods during the study did so because of side effects or health concerns with their baseline method. Headaches were the most common side effect experienced by women, followed by the lack of menses, and uterine pain.