Effects of a Community-Focused Approach Supporting the Most Vulnerable Children: Evaluation of SAWAKA Jali Watoto Program in Kagera, Tanzania

Author(s): Nyangara F, Obiero W
Year: 2009
Abstract:In 2007-08, the MEASURE Evaluation project evaluated the Jali Watoto (Care for Children) project in Tanzania. Jali Watoto is a child and community-centered program supported by Pact, an international nongovernmental organization, and implemented through local community-based organizations, including SAWAKA (Zaidia Wazee Karagwe, which means "help the elderly in Karagwe"). The program provides support to most-vulnerable children and their caregivers. The main purpose of this evaluation was to assess the effectiveness of the Jali Watoto program model in improving the well-being of most-vulnerable children and their caregivers in communities affected by HIV/AIDS. In addition, this paper outlines the programmatic implications of the findings for service providers and other stakeholders and makes recommendations regarding effective, replicable interventions. Findings show that the program had mixed effects on most-vulnerable children and their caregivers in terms of the psychosocial well-being, support networks, and perceptions of community stigma, among other outcomes.