Development of a Monitoring Framework for Referral within a Network of HIV/AIDS Service Providers: Condensed Final Report Based on Four Case Studies

Author(s): Ricca JG, Negroustoueva S
Year: 2009
Abstract:The number and scope of services available for prevention, support, care, and treatment of HIV/AIDS has risen dramatically in the last several years. In this increasingly complex service environment, integrating HIV services among themselves and with other services is important for making those services accessible to clients and their delivery efficient for the health system, and ultimately for improving individual and family outcomes. Based on findings from HIV/AIDS referral systems examined in Kenya, Nigeria, Swaziland, and Zambia, this report provides a proposed checklist for assessing such referral networks. For a key service needed by clients, the ultimate goal is that clients have timely access to the service (and, therefore, utilize that service appropriately). The checklist can be used to decide if referral is the best option for achieving this goal and, if so, some key considerations for structuring the referral system and its monitoring.(This report is a condensed version of Development of a Monitoring Framework for Referral within a Network of HIV/AIDS Service Providers: Final Report Based on Four Case Studies.)