Framework for Monitoring and Evaluating Efforts to Reposition Family Planning

Author(s): Judice NR, Snyder E
Year: 2012
The U.S. Agency for International Development's Office of Population and Reproductive Health, in collaboration with the World Health Organization and other partners, has engaged in an initiative to reposition family planning (FP) in sub-Saharan Africa. Three key approaches for achieving this goal are advocating for policy change, strengthening leadership, and improving capacity to deliver services. As a result, there is a need for a framework by which countries and programs can monitor and evaluate their progress toward repositioning FP. The results framework described in this report includes illustrative indicators that can maximize the use of existing information. This framework for monitoring and evaluating the repositioning of FP services can ultimately be used by international donors, governments, and programs to assess their efforts, identify gaps in strategies to reposition FP in countries, and to inform funding, program design, policy and advocacy, and program planning and improvement.