Evaluation Plan for the Ghana National Strategy for Key Populations

Year: 2013
The Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC), as part of its strategic information and monitoring and evaluation efforts, is planning for an evaluation of its national HIV prevention programme for key populations, also known as most-at-risk populations (MARP), as outlined in the National MARP Strategic Plan 2011-2015 and MARP Operational Plan Framework 2011-2013. This document is the national evaluation plan developed by the GAC and the members of the national MARP Technical Working Group (TWG). MEASURE Evaluation collaborated by facilitating the process to develop the evaluation plan. The process was informed by guidance provided in a 2010 United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS document titled Strategic Guidance for the Evaluation of HIV Prevention Programmes and input from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.The purpose of this document (the evaluation plan) is to provide GAC and the MARP TWG with the information necessary to inform activities to answer the evaluation questions. The evaluation plan describes the process, data collection, analytic approach, and process to determine needed resources necessary to carry out an evaluation to answer those questions. This evaluation plan complements and expands on the M&E strategy and operational plan already developed for the national MARP strategy.