Monitoring and Evaluation at the Community Level: A Strategic Review of MEASURE Evaluation, Phase III Accomplishments and Contributions

Author(s): de la Torre C, Unfried K
Year: 2014
As a global monitoring and evaluation (M&E) project, MEASURE Evaluation, during its phase III cooperative agreement with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which ran from September 2008 to August 2014, contributed to various endeavors aimed at strengthening community M&E (i.e. M&E activities that are concerned with the delivery of services at the community level). The project has worked with international agencies, national governments, service delivery organizations, and community workers to improve the collection and use of community data in a variety of contexts. This strategic review catalogues the project’s contributions to community M&E, highlights lessons learned through this work, notes key gaps that require attention, and proposes future work that builds on the project’s achievements.
The primary audience for this review is USAID and other stakeholders who are looking to shape future plans and strategic direction of community M&E systems. This review may also be helpful to anyone interested in strengthening community M&E systems and wants to learn about the various tools and approaches developed or used by the MEASURE Evaluation project for doing so.