Connecting People to Improve Monitoring and Evaluation of Global Health Programs: Experiences from MEASURE Evaluation-Supported Communities of Practice

Author(s): Wyatt LD, Nicholson JL, Isenhower W
Year: 2014
As of 2014, the MEASURE Evaluation project had provided technical assistance and other support to a dozen communities of practice focusing on various aspects of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of health programs, including those addressing HIV, malaria, health information systems, and data demand and use. These networks have connected nearly 8,000 members from over 100 countries and provided platforms to exchange both tacit and explicit knowledge to improve the practice of M&E for global health. Community members have represented implementing partner organizations, multi- and bi-lateral organizations, local government health agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations, and faith-based organizations.
This document examines ways in which three of these communities of practice supported by MEASURE Evaluation have worked to close knowledge gaps and increase engagement among M&E practitioners. These case studies provide an opportunity to examine networks operating to improve health information systems at the national, regional, and global levels.