Evaluation des besoins pour la mise en oeuvre de la surveillance sentinelle de VIH/SIDA à travers les activités de consultations prénatales au Burundi

Author(s): Rwantabagu JP, Bisore S, Munezero F, Nkunzimana A, Iriwacu B, Ly M, Moise I
Year: 2016
In 2010 in Burundi, sentinel surveillance of HIV and AIDS was interrupted in 2010 due to issues such as irregular availability of commodity supplies, lack of equipment, and low levels of relevant skills among staff. A needs assessment was conducted to revitalize the sentinel surveillance system in Burundi; it focused on antenatal care visits.
The needs assessment was conducted with the participation of many stakeholders supporting the National AIDS Control Program (NACP). The USAID-funded MEASURE Evaluation project led the study design and helped with development of the assessment protocol, training of survey staff, and supervision of data collection in the field. The assessment involved qualitative interviews with health providers and a literature review. Study activities were carried out under the coordination of a steering committee set up by the Ministry of Public Health and AIDS Control. MEASURE Evaluation Burundi provided support to the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit staff of the NACP for data analysis and report writing.
A technical group reviewed and validated the tools and the assessment report. The assessment provided recommendations for key actions to be taken at each level of the health system to support and sustain the sentinel surveillance system. Findings were shared with major stakeholders and a joint plan of action was developed, highlighting the potential role of all partners in strengthening sentinel surveillance.