Manuel des normes et procédures de gestion du Système national d’information sanitaire

Author(s): Burundi Ministry of Public Health and AIDS Control (Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Lutte contre le Sida), MEASURE Evaluation, Belgian Development Agency (CTB)
Year: 2016
The manual of standards and procedures for management of Burundi’s health information management system (HMIS) documents and defines standards and functions for the HMIS, in line with Burundi’s National Health Information System Strategic Plan for 2011–2015.
The manual described the standards, procedures, and functions of each level of the health system to support efficient operation of the HMIS. The standards and procedures include health data collection, information flow, and data management at all levels. The manual also provides definitions of key indicators, a data dictionary, and data analysis techniques.
Three main chapters complement each other: (1) The first describes the HMIS framework and provides definitions of all indicators that can be generated by the system; (2) The second highlights data analysis procedures demonstrating different methods for causal analysis, processes for monitoring indicators, and feedback mechanisms; (3) The third presents a metadata dictionary for how data are generated and organized in the health information software (GESIS).
The manual resulted from a collaboration among implementing partners and Burundi’s Ministry of Public Health and AIDS Control to strengthen the national health information system. Key partners included the PAISS project of the Belgium Technical Cooperation (CBT) project, and MEASURE Evaluation, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). In collaboration with the Directorate of the National Health Information System (Direction du Système National d’Information Sanitaire, or DSNIS), PAISS and MEASURE Evaluation drafted the manual, which was reviewed during workshops by a technical working group and later validated by a steering committee formed by the Ministry of Public Health and AIDS Control. MEASURE Evaluation also supported publication and dissemination of the manual.