Routine Health Information System Rapid Assessment Tool: Data Entry Module

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2018
This Data Entry Module is one of two Microsoft Excel workbooks that comprise the Routine Health Information System (RHIS) Rapid Assessment Tool. The tool was designed to identify gaps in the RHIS during the health-sector planning process, so that deficiencies can be addressed during strategic planning.
The Data Entry Module comprises a checklist of standards for health facility and community information systems, grouped by thematic domain and subdomain. This checklist can be used at any level of the health system involved in data collection, aggregation, transmission, and reporting of RHIS data: (1) national level; (2) subnational level– other (that is, region, province, etc.); (3) subnational level–district; and (4) service delivery point.
Responses and comments entered in the checklist are automatically compiled on the “raw data” tab in the worksheet, with one row for responses and one for comments. These data are cut and pasted in the Data Analysis and Dashboards Module to aggregate and view the results across respondents. The Data Entry Module also has a dashboard that depicts the results for responses entered, but only for the responses emanating from the group or respondent completing the workbook (see “dashboard tab” in the Data Entry Module).
Each item on the checklist is scored as either 0 (no answer/not applicable); 1 (not present, needs to be developed); 2 (needs a lot of strengthening); 3 (needs some strengthening); or 4 (already present, no action needed).
Access the tool's Analysis and Dashboards Module and Implementation Guide.
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