Scale to Track the Stages of Development of Community-Based Health Information Systems

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2019
Governments and/or organizations can use this scale to assess, plan, and prioritize activities and investments to strengthen community-based health information systems (CBHIS). The tool can help governments and/or organizations determine at what stage their CBHIS is and what should be in place to get it to the next stage. Then they can use the tool to reassess the system’s status every one or two years.
The scale outlines seven domains: leadership and governance, system design, system management, data sources, data quality, and data use. Under each domain is a series of components with detailed descriptions of CBHIS maturity for each component across five stages. The scale can be used to develop a plan to strengthen the overall system and as an advocacy tool for investment to strengthen a given domain’s components.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded MEASURE Evaluation project designed this tool as part of a broad effort to improve the health information systems of low- and middle-income countries: a crucial step toward stronger health systems generally and, ultimately, better health outcomes.