Monitoring and Evaluating Programs Serving Orphans and Vulnerable Children: An Indicator Matrix

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2019
This matrix is intended to help United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) country teams and implementing partners select custom indicators for performance monitoring, in addition to the MER OVC indicators. The matrix has the following aims:
- Help stakeholders in programs for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) to measure what matters, and to consider repurposing or selecting new or “custom” indicators that will better inform project performance
- Provide sample indicators that can be used to measure how OVC projects are contributing to the global 95-95-95 and prevention targets
- Demonstrate the relationships among PEPFAR’s reporting requirements
A companion to the matrix—“Using the Indicator Matrix for Monitoring and Evaluating Programs Serving Orphans and Vulnerable Children: Guidance,” available at—explains how to use this tool.