Tanzania Reproductive and Child Health Facility Survey, 1999.

Year: 2000
Abstract:The 1999 Tanzania Reproductive and Child Health Facility Survey (TRCHS) collected information on the availability and use of selected reproductive and child health services in Tanzania. This report presents the results from the facility survey, which was conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics from June 1999 to February 2000. Data on various indicators of the availabilty and quality of services from 260 government and 185 NGO and private facilities in mainland Tanzania are listed and discussed. The report also presents the following main findings: 1) NGOs and the private sector play a major role in health service provision in Tanzania. 2) Health facilities scored fairly well on supplies of contraceptives, vaccines and antibiotics, though there was still room for improvement. 3)Health workers have received continuing education on a variety of topics during the 1990s, and many facilities now have providers trained in family planning, HIV counselling and testing, post-abortion care, STD management, and/or reproductive and child health skills. 4) There were significant increases in the numbers of family planning clients since 1996, with the government providing 82 percent of family planning services. 5) Voluntary counselling and HIV testing were only provided in hospitals and some NGO/private health centers. Stockouts of HIV tests were fairly common.