Health Facility Survey Nicaragua 2001

Year: 2002
Abstract:This report presents the principal results from the survey of health facilities carried out between August and October 2001 in Nicaragua's 17 Local Systems of Integrated Health Care (SILIAS). This survey obtained information about the operating capacity of the health care facilities that offer basic health services to the population, with special attention to maternal and child health services, and the characteristics of health facility staff. The survey collected information from all of public health facilities of the Ministry of Health (MINSA), as well as from a significant number of private facilities. The results of the survey describe the basic characteristics of an important component of the supply of health services in Nicaragua at the time that the survey was conducted. Additionally, this survey permits examination of changes in conditions of public health facilities that have take place in the nine SILAIS in which the 2000 Health Facility Survey Nicaragua was carried out. A Spanish-language version of this document, Encuesta de Establecimientos de Salud Nicaragua 2001, is also available.