Nigeria (Bauchi, Enugu, Oyo) Family Planning and Reproductive Health Survey 2002: Health Facility Survey Results.

Author(s): Agha S, Escudero G, Keating J, Meekers D
Year: 2003
This report presents findings from a health facility survey conducted by MEASURE Evaluation as part of the evaluation of the USAID-supported VISION project. As part of an effort to increase the capacity and quality of family planning services in the Nigerian state sof Bauci, Enugu, and Oyo, this report presents data that will be used as a baseline to measure VISION Project changes against. There are five chapters to this report. Chapter 1 provides background information on the availability and access to health services in Nigeria, the role of the VISION Project, and the objectives and methodology of the health facility survey. Chapter 2 presents information on the characteristics of families. Chapter 3 provides information on family planning service provision. Chapter 4 describes the provision of STI and HIV/AIDS services at facilities, and chapter 5 presents information on the provision of post-abortion care services.