PLACE in Uganda: Monitoring AIDS-Prevention Programs in Kampala, Uganda Using the PLACE Method.

Year: 2003
Abstract:This 81-page report details the efforts of the PLACE (Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts) method to identify areas in the Kawempe division in Kampala, Uganda, with a higer incidence of infection and to identify specific sites where AIDS prevention programs should be targeted. Trained inteviewers talked with key informants, who identified 227 places where people from Kawempe go to meet new sexual partners. Interviewers then visited these sites and asked attendants about their sexual and injecting drug use behavior and prevention knowledge. This report presents the folowing key findings: Most sites identified were bars and nightclubs; sex work at these locations were uncommon. Three-quarters of individuals socialing at these sites report having met a new sexual partner there. More than two-thirds of men reported using condoms with new sexual partners; condom use was higher if condoms were available on-site. AIDS prevention activities and condoms, however, generally do not reach network sites. The assessment strongly suuggests that interventions need to be further focuses at the sites where new partners are met, while maintaining a strong general population prevention program.