PLACE in South Africa: Evaluation of a Successful Community-Based AIDS Prevention Program, East London, 2000-2003.

Year: 2004
Two waves of the Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts (PLACE) assessments were conducted in East London, South Africa between 2000 and 2003. The first assessment attempted to identify and characterize sites where HIV transmission was likely to occur, and to use that information to develop an HIV/AIDS prevention program for the community. The second assessment attempted to evaluate the impact of the intervention on site characteristics and on the behaviors of those socializing at them, and to use the data to improve the intervention strategy. This 160-page report presents the results of these assessments, in which key informants identified sites where groups at high risk for HIV met to socialize and meet new sexual partners; researchers then visited these sites to interview people there about their sexual and injecting-drug-use behaviors and attitudes, as well as their receptivity to HIV-prevention efforts. The PLACE efforts identified major gaps in AIDS prevention activities and condom availability at baseline, but intervention efforts resulted in a higher percentage of sites that hosted AIDS educational activities and distributed condoms. Additionally, this report provides recommendations for future HIV/AIDS prevention efforts.