Report of the Strategic Information Assessment in Swaziland

Author(s): Kemerer V
Year: 2006
Abstract:MEASURE Evaluation, under direction from USAID-RHAP, visited Swaziland to discuss the feasibility of an assessment to establish a baseline from which to track strategic information (SI) system development and an accountability framework for the national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) work plan. During a second visit, key activities were defined in the National HIV/AIDS M&E Road Map through a participatory process with the Global AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Team (GAMET), UNAIDS and Nercha that would guide the assessment. The specific objectives of the assessment are to define data flow of national level output indicators; outline data collection, management, reduction, use, and dissemination challenges; assess the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) M&E structures and institutional capacity to provide the necessary HIV/AIDS program data on a routine basis; develop a list of stakeholder groups and stakeholders by programmatic area; and develop a directory of HIV researchers, HIV research organizations, and HIV research to use as a reference resource for future partnership in conducting targeted evaluation.