Jamaican Youth Risk and Resiliency Behaviour Survey 2005: School-based Survey on Risk and Resiliency Behaviours of 10-15 year olds

Author(s): Fox K, Gordon-Strachan G
Year: 2007
Abstract:The 2005 Jamaica Youth Risk and Resiliency Behaviour Survey (2005 JYRRBS) interviewed a nationally representative sample of 3003 in-school youth aged 10-15, of whom 1,422 were males and 1581 were females. The main purpose of the survey was to determine health status, nutritional habits and lifestyles of children and young teenagers aged 10-15 years in a nationally representative sample of Jamaican children currently in school and relate these to demographic and socio-economic factors. In addition, the 2005 JYRRBS included questions on risk and resiliency to determine factors which provide protection from teen pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, violence and obesity to inform programs targeted at the early adolescent period. The survey included the following modules: demographic information; the child and school; physical activity; dietary practices; medical care and perception of self; emotions and mental health; resiliency; violence and unintentional injuries; alcohol, tobacco and drug use; sexual behaviour; sources of information; anthropometry - weight, height, and waist and hip circumference; and literacy and numeracy.