Nigeria Reproductive Health, Child Health, and Education Household, School, and Health Facility Midline Surveys, 2007: Executive Summary

Author(s): Keating J
Year: 2007
Abstract:This report presents an executive summary of findings from the 2007 Nigeria Reproductive Health, Child Health and Education Midline Household, Health Facility and Primary School Surveys. The surveys provide data for midline monitoring and evaluation activities for the Community Participation for Action in the Social Sectors (COMPASS) Project and for the U.S. Agency for International Development mission in Nigeria. The surveys were implemented in 51 local government areas in the states of Bauchi, Federal Capital Territory, Kano, Lagos, and Nasarawa where the COMPASS Project is being implemented. From a representative sample of men and women in the target areas, survey teams collected information on the respondents background, contraception use, pregnancy status and history, antenatal care, breastfeeding activities, childhood illnesses, use of mosquito nets, childhood vaccinations, home-based disease prevention practices, and educational status of children living in the household. The objective of this report is to present a second set of estimated values for a set of indicators used to monitor program performance.