PEPFAR Public Health Evaluation-Care and Support: Phase 2 Kenya

Author(s): Harding, Richard et al.
Year: 2010
Abstract:The aims of the evaluation were to (a) describe the nature and scope of HIV care and support provision supported by PEPFAR in two African countries, including the types of facilities available, clients seen, and availability of specific components of care (Phase 1); and (b) evaluate how PEPFAR care and support programme components and costs are related to health outcomes (Phase 2). By meeting these aims, this study was designed to provide detailed descriptions of the care and support services that have been delivered through PEPFAR funding and identify the effective components and costs of the services, to improve the health of patients with HIV. Dissemination of the findings is planned, in conjunction with country teams, to inform effective care and support provision within the two PHE target countries and beyond, where lessons can be transferred to other PEPFAR countries.