Nigeria End-of-Project Health Facility Survey, 2009 Final Report

Author(s): Gage AJ (ed.)
Year: 2011
This report presents findings from the 2009 Nigeria End-of-Project Health Facility Survey. The survey serves as the endline for the Community Participation for Action in the Social Sector (COMPASS) Project. The survey was implemented in the local government areas (LGAs) in the states of Bauchi, Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Kano, Lagos, and Nasarawa where COMPASS is being implemented. COMPASS represents the integration of three previous U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID/Nigeria) funded projects: VISION, BASICS, and LEAP. The purpose of COMPASS is to enhance reproductive health and family planning services as well as to promote child survival and improved literacy. The core idea behind COMPASS is to integrate the health and education sectors through the promotion of community coalitions. From a representative sample of men and women in the COMPASS target areas, the survey obtained information on all health facilities reportedly used by the sample of respondents. Information was collected on the facility background; vaccine logistic systems; child health services; antenatal and postpartum care; newborn and delivery care; sexually transmitted infection (STI) and voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) services; and select medications. The objective of this report is to present a set of indicators that are used by COMPASS and USAID for monitoring and evaluating program performance. Data from this end-of-project survey will be used to measure changes in health service indicators in the LGAs served by the COMPASS Project. Further, the results of the end-of-project survey may be used to redirect efforts or increase levels of intervention in selected areas based on the needs and goals of the health facilities in COMPASS project areas. Chapter 1 presents an overview of healthcare facilities. Chapter 2 describes facility characteristics, including service provision, facility amenities, outreach programs and infection prevention procedures. Chapter 3 provides information on family planning (FP) services, and chapter 4, on antenatal and postpartum care. Chapter 5 presents findings related to child health and vaccination services. Chapter 6 describes STI and VCT services; while chapter 7 presents a comparison of the 2005 baseline survey and the 2009 endline survey to assess the degree of change in selected health indicators. Findings from the end-of-project school and household surveys are presented in separate reports.