Nigeria Reproductive Health, Child Health, and Education End-of-Project Household Survey, 2009

Author(s): Koram N, Gage AJ (eds.)
Year: 2011
This report presents findings from the 2009 Nigeria end-of-project household survey. The survey serves as the endline for the Community Participation for Action in the Social Sector Project (COMPASS). The survey was implemented in local government areas (LGAs) in the states of Bauchi, Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Kano, Lagos, and Nasarawa where COMPASS was implemented. The purpose of COMPASS was to enhance reproductive health and family planning services, as well as to promote child survival and improved literacy. The core idea behind COMPASS was to integrate the health, child survival, and education sectors through the promotion of community coalitions. Survey findings are presented on initiation of sexual activity and childbearing; a number of aspects of contraception, including knowledge, current use, approval, and discussion of family planning methods; care during pregnancy and breastfeeding; several areas of importance to child survival, such as vitamin A supplementation, use of insecticide treated bednets, home-based treatment of common childhood illnesses, and child immunization; mass media exposure; primary school education; and changes in household-level indicators between the baseline and end-of-project surveys.