The Costs of HIV Treatment, Care, and Support Services in Uganda

Author(s): Moreland S, Namisango E, Paxton A, Powell RA.
Year: 2013
MEASURE Evaluation and The African Palliative Care Association (APCA) conducted a follow-up study to the HIV care services costing study component of the public health evaluation (PHE) that was completed in 2009 with King’s College London in association with APCA and MEASURE Evaluation [1]. This new study took place in selected public and private not-for-profit health facilities across Uganda. The study sought to provide a broader, more comprehensive insight into the costs of providing HIV care at differing levels of service delivery in Uganda. The specific objectives included:
- To determine the average annual unit cost per patient (adult and child) for specific HIV treatment, care and support services;
- To establish the key cost components or “drivers” of such HIV treatment, care and support services;
- To determine what costs are borne by patients (“out-of-pocket costs”) that are not incurred in a clinical facility, and;
- To compare cost variation by level of service delivery facility.