Findings from a Multi-Country Assessment of Integrated Health Programs

Year: 2014
Abstract:Integration of health interventions is promoted to make better use of resources, meet health needs, and achieve sustained improvements in health. Many definitions of integration exist, and some converge on a concept of integrated health services within the context of a supportive health system that provides clients with a continuum of services according to their needs over time (Waddington & Egger, 2008). Studies of integrated health services have shown integration to be feasible, and that it can improve quality of care, increase service uptake, and improve outcomes such as contraceptive use and HIV testing uptake (Spaulding et al., 2009; Lindegren et al., 2012; Wilcher et al., 2013). Evidence is more limited regarding effects on health impacts and costs.
The United States government (USG) contributes to a worldwide effort to communicate, learn about, and promote integration by funding projects, issuing guidance, developing indicators, convening meetings and working groups, sponsoring literature reviews and publishing. Specifically, a USG inter-agency group on integration published the GHI Principle Paper on Integration in the Health Sector in May 2012, developed a related results framework for integration, defined a list of indicators to measure the outputs and outcomes of integration (document forthcoming), and articulated a learning agenda. This report presents the results of a multi-country assessment of integrated health programs in 10 countries conducted by MEASURE Evaluation to inform this broader learning agenda on integration of health services.
This multi-country assessment was intended to be a first step in gathering information to understand the types of services that are being integrated; rationale for the choice of integration model and interventions; perceived strengths, weaknesses, and gaps of M&E systems; and environment, policies and systems that facilitate service integration.