Bangladesh Marketing Innovation for Health Baseline Survey 2013-2014

Year: 2015
The U.S. government awarded a highly-targeted and evidence-based program, Marketing Innovation for Health, to the Social Marketing Company (SMC) and its partners. The four-year project (2012 to 2016) involves an integrated social marketing program to provide a comprehensive range of essential health products and services to target populations in Bangladesh. Other partners in this effort include Population Services International (PSI), BRAC, Concerned Women for Family Development (CWFD), Population Services and Training Center (PSTC), Shimantik, and EngenderHealth.
The goal of the Marketing Innovation for Health program is to contribute to sustained improvements in the health status of women and children in Bangladesh by increasing access to and demand for these health products and services. An outcome evaluation will examine changes taking place in key outcomes in terms of utilization of health and family planning products and services. The evaluation measures outcomes “before and after” the intervention in project areas relative to changes in comparison areas. This report provides baseline data that were collected at the beginning of the interventions, in 2013-2014. Endline data will be collected after about two years from the date of the baseline data collection.