Baseline Assessment of Monitoring and Evaluation Capacities in 17 Counties in Kenya

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2017
The Kenya Health Policy Framework of 2012–2030 provides direction and outlines long-term goals towards the fulfilment of the 2010 Kenyan Constitution and Vision 2030, the country’s long-term development agenda. Effective implementation of the health policy strategies requires a robust monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework to provide evidence for the achievement of the policy objectives. Currently, national and county governments are responsible for performance monitoring of the health sector. The role of counties in service delivery requires them to have adequate and effective M&E systems to assess progress towards achieving the sector’s objectives and targets.
This report is a summary of assessments that were conducted with the goal of understanding and documenting the capacities of county health management teams (CHMTs). Specifically, they assessed the CHMTs’ capacities to perform M&E functions, identify capacity gaps, and determine the most effective ways to build the county’s capacity for M&E of health interventions.
The assessment was conducted in 17 counties: Kakamega, Bungoma, Garissa, Nakuru, Machakos, Kirinyaga, Kilifi, Kisumu, Nyeri, Siaya, Wajir, Uasin Gishu, Narok, Nairobi, Meru, Mombasa and Kitui. The MEASURE Evaluation PIMA (MEval-PIMA) project, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), conducted the assessment between March and June 2014.