Assessment of Mali’s 2016 National Campaign for the Promotion of Family Planning

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2017
The Republic of Mali has one of the world’s lowest modern contraceptive prevalence rates, at 9.9% according to the 2012–2013 Mali Demographic and Health Survey. Nevertheless, the government of Mali is making strides to reposition family planning (FP) as an essential public health and development intervention. As part of a national strategic plan, a promotional FP campaign is organized each year.
This report presents an assessment of Mali’s 2016 national FP campaign. The long-term goals of the 2016 campaign were to: (1) increase the number of FP users, and (2) reduce the maternal and infant mortality rate in Mali. The purpose of the assessment—a post-intervention process evaluation—was to identify how well the campaign’s activities were implemented and whether adjustments should be made to improve future FP campaigns and interventions. The assessment focused on the national level and five health districts targeted by intensive intervention: Diéma, Bougouni, San, Koro, and Nara.
The assessment used three types of data:
1) A document review of campaign planning, implementation, and results was conducted. Twenty-four indicators were chosen through a review of anticipated campaign activities. Materials reviewed include the campaign action plan, the campaign final report, records of campaign activities and events occurring in intensive intervention districts, information collected during the campaign, and materials produced and distributed by the campaign.
2) Twenty-one key informant interviews were conducted to collect information on perceptions of the effectiveness of campaign activities, barriers to implementation, and the identification of strengths and weaknesses.
3) Six focus group discussions (FGDs) were held with women ages 18–24 living in communities in intensive intervention districts (Diéma, San, and Bougouni) to gauge exposure to the campaign, attitudes about the annual campaign and campaign messages, and common barriers to the use of FP.
Assessment results suggest a number of recommendations, including that the country improve logistics management to ensure that contraceptive methods and services are available at all distribution points, and strengthen information systems so that validated information on FP service delivery is available on an ongoing basis.
This report is also available in French.
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