Building Capacity in Information Management for HIV and AIDS Programs – A Compendium of Tools

Author(s): Ellis A, McKeown S
Year: 2017
This compendium—funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)—is a guide to nearly 50 tools and other development-oriented materials, such as training curricula and web-based toolkits. It is designed to build the capacity of HIV programs in information management: specifically HIV programs’ health information systems (HIS) and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems. The compendium provides access to free, readily available resources for HIV and AIDS programs in developing countries, supporting USAID’s goal of an AIDS-free generation and PEPFAR’s effort to achieve the global 90-90-90 goals: 90 percent of people with HIV diagnosed, 90 percent of those diagnosed on ART, and 90 percent of those on ART virally suppressed by 2020.
All materials are available online in English; many are also published in other languages. They have been selected for inclusion because they are self-guided, thus requiring little or no outside assistance for application.
This compendium gathers tools and other materials that have been designed and implemented to improve capacity to manage HIS and M&E for HIV programs. It can help users select materials that will best address their goals, needs, and priorities in information management for HIV programs and services while building management capacity in this critical area.