HIV-Related Data on Very Young Adolescents

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2017
Very young adolescents (VYAs)—those between the ages of 10 and 14—represent about half of the 1.2 billion adolescents ages 10–19 in the world. A technical working group that the World Health Organization (WHO) convened in 2010 observed that, although adolescents ages 15–19 have been the main population segment addressed by adolescent health and development programs, the “special needs and concerns of young adolescents ages 10–14—some of whom are already sexually active—have been relatively neglected.” This neglect is, to some extent, a result of a lack of global HIV-related data for VYAs.
The Inter-Agency Task Team on Young People and HIV/AIDS (IATT/YP) strategic information (SI) working group, co-convened by UNICEF and UNFPA and made up of a core group of international and national agencies, including the U.S. Agency for International Development and MEASURE Evaluation, seeks to accelerate the global response to HIV prevention for young people ages 10–24 by improving the availability and accessibility of high-quality data related to youth HIV. Capitalizing on the 2010 WHO meeting, the IATT/YP SI working group met in June 2014 to discuss categories of HIV-related information that can and should be collected for VYAs. This brief focuses on available HIV-related data for VYAs.