Bangladesh Mayer Hashi II – 2015 Baseline Survey Report

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2017
An external impact evaluation of the Mayer Hashi Phase II (MH-II) project was requested by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Bangladesh. MH-II, which is a follow-on project to the previous Mayer Hashi (MH-I) project, was awarded to EngenderHealth in September 2013. It will be conducted between October 2013 and September 2017. The 2015 Baseline Mayer Hashi Phase II Evaluation Survey is the first of two surveys to evaluate the impact of MH-II in increasing the use of effective family planning (FP) and reproductive health services among the population in Bangladesh. The baseline survey has three main objectives. First, it is designed to provide baseline estimates of the primary and secondary outcomes in areas where MH-II initiated its activities at different times. Second, it aims to assess baseline differences in the outcomes among areas with different lengths of exposure to the project. Third, with an end-line survey planned in early 2017, the baseline survey is designed to support evaluation of project impact through a difference-in-differences (DID) approach comparing pre-post differences in outcomes between areas with different lengths of exposure to the project.