Validating Estimates of the Size of Key Populations: A Study in Region 4 of Guyana

Author(s): Zahra Reynolds, Nastassia Rambarran, and Joel Simpson
Year: 2017
HIV is a major cause of death in Guyana. Cases are concentrated in the coastal regions, and certain subpopulations face much higher rates of HIV. Before effective interventions for these key populations can be designed, researchers must understand where they are and how to reach them. Previous partnerships between MEASURE Evaluation (funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development [USAID]) and Guyana's National AIDS Programme Secretariat (NAPS), in 2014 and 2015, studied populations of special interest in the HIV epidemic using the Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts (PLACE) method. These earlier studies produced analyses of subgroup risk factors and locations that were used to set targets for outreach and testing among key populations.
Because the PLACE study was not designed to produce subnational size estimates, this report outlines a validation study conducted to update those earlier estimates. The study focus on Region 4 of Guyana, an area with a high density of key populations and need for outreach activities. The assessment, completed in the spring of 2017, was managed by the Society Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination (SASOD) with technical oversight from MEASURE Evaluation. Input was also received from national partners, such as the National AIDS Programme Secretariat.
The knowledge generated by this assessment will inform HIV outreach and prevention activities with key populations, primarily in Region 4. It will help outreach organizations better target their activities and determine whether they are reaching those who need services most.