Assessment of Malaria Interventions in Four Nigerian States: Final Report

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation, National Malaria Elimination Programme, and the President’s Malaria Initiative
Year: 2017
In 2014, Nigeria reported more than 7.8 million confirmed cases of malaria and more than 6,000 malaria-related deaths. The National Malaria Elimination Programme of the Federal Ministry of Health—in collaboration with partners—has been working to significantly expand key malaria control interventions.
Nigeria became a President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) country in 2010, and PMI has been a key partner in the government’s efforts to expand malaria control intervention coverage. Efforts have focused on insecticide-treated nets, targeted indoor residual spraying, intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy, and effective case management.
In 2015, PMI requested MEASURE Evaluation—a project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and PMI—to assess the progress of malaria interventions and outcomes in Cross River, Ebonyi, Nassarawa, and Sokoto States between 2008 and early 2016. The main aim of the assessment is to provide information to guide and streamline future PMI support and strategies for malaria control and elimination in Nigeria.
The malaria intervention assessment used a mixed-methods approach, consisting of secondary data collation, primary data collection, document review, and secondary analysis of existing household survey data.
This report provides recommendations for each examined component area based on the assessment's key findings.