Kakamega County: End Line Assessment of Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation PIMA
Year: 2017
This report is a brief synthesis of an end line assessment undertaken to discern and document the capacity of the county health management teams to perform monitoring and evaluation (M&E) functions in Kakamega County, Kenya, as a means to understand the impact of MEASURE Evaluation PIMA (MEval‑PIMA) in improving M&E systems at the county level.
The MEval-PIMA project was implemented between December 2012 and June 2017. As part of project closeout, MEval-PIMA conducted an end-of-project assessment to document achievements and provide lessons learned toward strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Health at the national and subnational levels to produce and use high-quality data for decision making and to communicate project results with stakeholders and beneficiaries. Specifically, the end line assessment aimed to accomplish the following:
- Document changes in M&E capacity since the baseline assessments were conducted.
- Document the key drivers of changes in M&E capacity.
- Document MEval-PIMA’s contribution to the changes in M&E capacity.
- Document lessons learned in terms of strengthening M&E capacity at individual and organizational levels.
The end line assessment was conducted in a workshop setting using three participatory data collection tools and a self-administered individual capacity tool. Respondents for this assessment were program managers and program officers, including M&E officers and data managers from Kakamega County.
Despite progress over the four years in developing a conducive environment that supports planning and prioritization of resources for M&E at the county level, we found that several threats to the sustainability of these gains remain. This report also contains recommendations to address these threats.