Decision Support Tools for Malaria Prevention and Treatment

Author(s): Massoud Moussavi, PhD; Kent W. Lewis, MA; Vilas Mandlekar, MBA, MS; Aminata Y. Sallah, MBChB; Tajrina Hai, MHS; and Yazoumé Yé, PhD
Year: 2017
Malaria-endemic countries have experienced a significant decline in malaria burden in recent years, and they are relying on strong health management information systems to provide good-quality data to track progress and measure program achievements. The DHIS 2 software platform has been rolled out in several countries to collect, validate, report, analyze, and present aggregated statistical data using a dashboard for the health system’s operations. However, DHIS 2 falls short in providing guidance to program managers on high-priority actions and the potential impact of those actions. MEASURE Evaluation conducted a literature review to identify decision support tools, synthesize their strengths and weaknesses, and assess gaps.
The research team searched databases of peer-reviewed and gray literature for decision support tools for malaria control. The reference databases and digital libraries included MEDLINE (via PubMed), Google Scholar, and SCOPUS. In addition, the team performed online searches of websites and online publications to identify decision support tools developed by specific organizations.
The research team found 11 decision support tools related to malaria prevention and treatment. Each of these tools focuses on different interventions and outcomes, with some tools focusing on multiple interventions and others focusing on a single intervention. This review covers the 11 tools for malaria prevention and provides recommendations for developing a new tool to address operational and implementation challenges facing subnational decision makers.