Implementing Swaziland's Client Management Information System: Stakeholders' Views of the Process and Recommendations to Improve It

Author(s): Eva Silvestre
Year: 2017
Swaziland policymakers and health administrators decided to change from the current paper-based health records system to an electronic health records (EHR) system. This change is being undertaken to harmonize healthcare data and improve patient care. The country’s client management information system (CMIS) is an EHR system that improves patient care by improving data quality and access, reducing duplicated cases within the system, and improving patient flow and wait times within the clinic.
MEASURE Evaluation is conducting an evaluation of the CMIS implementation process through health facility assessments and key stakeholder interviews (conducted from July 2017 through August 2017). The interviewers collected the opinions and experiences of key stakeholders of the CMIS to discover the challenges of implementation and recommend ways to improve the process, especially for the primary users of the system. The results of those interviews and our recommendations based on them are presented in this report.
The CMIS is being implemented in Swaziland by the Ministry of Health’s Health Management Information Systems, with support from the Institute for Health Measurement. It is being financed by the Swaziland Ministry of Health, with help from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and United States Agency for International Development.