Improving the Quality of Zambia’s Clinical Care Data – Findings from Expedited Audits of Data Quality in 93 Health Facilities in October 2017

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2018
Data from Zambia’s health facilities must be of high quality for U.S. government funders and for the country’s policymakers to make sound decisions on health policy, health programs, and the allocation of scarce resources. The goal of investments in data quality there is to improve the health of the Zambian people.
At the request of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Zambia, and with the benefit of expert guidance from the Mission, the USAID-funded MEASURE Evaluation and USAID/Zambia developed and implemented an intensive and rapid set of activities and assessments focused on data quality. Two data quality assessments (DQAs) at USAID-supported health facilities in Zambia—one in July 2017 and the other in October 2017—were complemented by a focused and comprehensive data quality intervention undertaken by the Mission and the implementing partner in August and September. This report provides a brief narrative on the findings and some special features of the DQA activity and its findings.