Model of a Community-Based Information System: Essential Components and Functions

Author(s): Dawne Walker
Year: 2018
A community-based information system (CBIS) is a dynamic system that includes information on how data are collected, how they flow, how to assess and improve data quality, and how the information is used. A CBIS involves data collection, management, and analysis of health and related services provided to communities outside of facilities (de la Torre, 2014).
To support the goals of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to combat infectious disease threats, the USAID-funded MEASURE Evaluation seeks to learn what works to improve health information systems and to address these systems holistically. MEASURE Evaluation’s work on CBIS aligns with these goals, because these systems operate at the community level, where health services are closest to the people who need them.
The CBIS model presented here is a starting point for framing what is currently known from the literature and from MEASURE Evaluation’s experience with community health and social service information systems in low- and middle-income countries. The model describes how a CBIS should function to help countries assess and strengthen their CBIS, by providing them with a reference for what should be included in a CBIS. The CBIS model has eight components that should be in place for a system that produces high-quality information for decision making. The components are leadership and governance; system design; system management; data sources; data management; information products and dissemination; data quality; and data use. The model also details the stakeholder groups who have a vested interest in the information generated by the CBIS and their roles in relation to the system.