Capacity Building Interventions in Health Information Systems: Action for Stronger Health Systems

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2018
MEASURE Evaluation works with global, national, and local partners to strengthen health information systems (HIS) in scores of countries. We have a set of prescribed results to achieve, many of which depend on successful capacity building—such as to strengthen the collection and use of routine health data, improve country-level capacity to manage HIS and conduct rigorous evaluations, and address health information gaps and challenges. We work to build country capacity to generate, manage, and use health information at national and subnational levels; foster country ownership and accountability for HIS; and promote the use of data for decision making.
This synthesis—one of a series produced by MEASURE Evaluation—explores the importance of individual capacity building for people working with HIS and, in turn, how capacity building may help to strengthen HIS and health outcomes, thereby strengthening the health system overall.