Retaining Adolescent Girls and Young Women in HIV Prevention Programming: A Review of Girls' Clubs and Savings Groups in Mozambique

Author(s): Nena do Nascimento, Susan Settergren, Thandie Harris-Sapp
Year: 2018
To strengthen adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) programming in Mozambique and inform the design, implementation, and monitoring of PEPFAR girls’ clubs and savings groups globally, USAID asked MEASURE Evaluation to implement an activity with the following objectives:
1. Gather information from the literature and the two projects in Mozambique implementing girls’ clubs and savings groups for AGYW regarding the following:
- The dosage (i.e., length of participation and number of sessions attended) to achieve intended program outcomes
- Approaches used to promote consistent participation (or “retention”) in these groups, and methods used to measure retention
2. Summarize findings and provide data collection guidance (e.g., interview topics and suggested methods) for programs to use in improving retention in girls’ clubs and savings groups for AGYW.
This report presents a description of the girls’ clubs and savings groups implemented by Project Força à Comunidade e Às Crianças (FCC; Child and Community Strengthening) of World Education International (WEI) and World Vision’s Strengthening Communities through Integrated Programming (SCIP) project. The report also synthesizes information obtained from the projects and the literature on dosage and approaches used to measure and promote consistent participation and retention.
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