Zanzibar National HIV and AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Plan: 2016/17–2020/2

Author(s): Zanzibar AIDS Commission
Year: 2018
The Third Zanzibar National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS, 2016/17–2020/21 (ZNSP III) provides a roadmap for the prevention and mitigation of the effects of HIV and AIDS over the next five years. Its mission is “to support the national HIV response to reduce [the] impact of the epidemic on the country’s socio-economy through better coordination, access to quality services, leadership, resource mobilization, and financing for effective implementation of the planned interventions.” The realisation of this mission calls for ongoing tracking of the services available, the populations they serve, and their quality.
This Zanzibar National HIV and AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Plan, 2016/17–2020/21 (ZNSP III M&E Plan) has been developed to guide stakeholders on how to monitor and evaluate implementation of the ZNSP III, and determine whether its goals and objectives are being met. The guidance includes definitions of indicators for the measurement of expected results (impacts, outcomes, and outputs), sources of data, frequency of data collection, baseline level and targets for each indicator, and the institutions responsible for collecting and reporting the data.
The ZNSP III M&E Plan has 49 indicators with a varied number of indicators for each of the five key result areas (KRA) defined in the strategic plan: (1) KRA 1: HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs for the general population strengthened and scaled up – 25 indicators; (2) KRA 2: Programmes targeting KPs and vulnerable populations improved – 9 indicators; (3) KRA 3: Research, knowledge management, and M&E programmes strengthened – 6 indicators; (4) KRA 4: Alternative and sustainable financing models established – 2 indicators; and (5) KRA 5: Institutional management and integration of services at all levels, enabling environment and impact mitigation interventions strengthened – 7 indicators.